HailTracker® by Weatherwatch is a cutting-edge solution for hail detection and analysis in Australia. Designed with the latest technology and advanced modelling techniques, HailTracker® provides unparalleled accuracy and insight into hailstorms, helping you stay informed and protected.​​​​​​​​​​
​Advanced Hail Detection: HailTracker® imports vast amounts of weather data to create a 3D visualization of the atmosphere across Australia. We then combine this with 3D radar and run advanced modelling to determine the maximum estimated size of hail within each thunderstorm.

Detailed Mapping, Real-Time Updates: HailTracker® delivers detailed GIS maps updated every 5 minutes across Australia showing the estimated size of hail within each thunderstorm.
StormPredict Pairing: Our StormPredict system pairs with HailTracker® to track storm movements, giving you a advanced insights into where storms are likely to move.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Historical Data Access & Hail Climatology: HailTracker® includes a historical database of hail maps dating back over 10 years for some areas, allowing for thorough historical analysis to verify claims or detect fraud.
Why Choose HailTracker®?
Unmatched Precision: HailTracker® utilises bespoke modelling algorithms specifically designed by Weatherwatch to remove radar noise and interface, ensuring the highest level of accuracy in hailstorm diagnostics.
Trusted Partnerships: Weatherwatch's HailTracker® is trusted by dozens of insurers and hail repairers across Australia. We have partnered with the Early Warning Network to supply our HailTracker® technology and power their hail alerts, underscoring our credibility and reliability.
User-Friendly Interface: Select a date and search an address and within seconds you'll have hail maps available for any radar within Australia. Not sure of the date? Use our HailFinder feature that lists all historical hail impacts within a 2km radius of any location in Australia!
Expert Support: Our team of meteorologists are available to provide expert support and guidance all year round, helping you to make the most of our platform.
Development & Research: Our dedicated research team conducts ongoing field research to ensure optimal hail detection accuracy.