An array of options are available to select. These include:
Save image (save image to your computer)
Show roads (Show major roads)
Show rail (show major rail)
Create quick link (create quick link to share image)
Open satellite (open satellite image for same domain without model data shown – this is different to the satellite overlay that overlays the satellite over the model data)
Zoom (Show 50% larger image)
Show location (show your location)
Additional options are available underneath including:
Loop position
Loop speed (adjust the speed of the loops)
Scroll speed (adjust the speed of mouse scroll)
Chart opacity (make the chart partially transparent for overlaying a satellite image).
You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to cycle through images on MetCentre if the mouse cursor is located over the map. This is especially useful if the loop has already been created.
MetCentre allows you to overlay additional data onto your weather charts. This allows you to create your own custom, combination weather charts (example, you can overlay wind shear onto instability charts, or temperatures onto precipitation charts). There is no limit to the number of overlays you can show. The example shown has the lifted index chart shown with sea level pressure and 500mb wind barbs overlayed.
To overlay data, click on the overlay subheading to enable them and choose which level(s) you want to display on each overlay. If the overlay sub-heading remains white, then the overlay has not been enabled.
Streamlines – Overlay wind streamlines (directional only)
Barbs – Overlay wind barbs (shows direction and speed)
Storm Winds – Shortcut to display 950mb, 850mb and 500mb wind barbs
Base Overlays – An assortment of useful overlays such as lifted index, precipitation and sea level pressure
RH overlays – Overlay relative humidity
Temp overlays – Overlay temperatures
Sat overlays – Overlay latest satellite image onto image. Note – you need to reduce the chart opacity to view this. Don’t forgot to reset chart opacity when finished.
Overlaying 500mb temperatures and low level wind barbs onto the lifted index chart can be useful for storm forecasting. While overlaying relative humidity and/or precipitation onto 850mb temperature charts can be useful for snow forecasting.
MetCentre provides additional tools and functions and allows you to calculate forecast rainfall, temperatures and temperature differences over set times. To use functions:
1. Select the start time (this is how many hours into the run you want to start the function).
2. Select the end time (this is how many hours into the run you want to end the function).
3. Select which variable you want to display and this will generate the chart
In the example shown, rainfall was shown from between +24 and +72 hours. You can choose any time period you like though the default is normally the full time period available.
If you want to view 24 hour periods, use the "Quick links for hours" feature. Simply decide if you want to view the 12am to 12am period or the 9am to 9am period (both 24 hour periods) and select the day and the function will calculate it for that day only. You can also use the left and right arrow to go forward or backwards in 24 hour increments if you want to cycle through the daily 24 hour rainfall forecast totals.
Max and min temp will calculate the highest and lowest temperatures over the entire period you choose.
The difference in temperature will display the difference in temperature at the specified level over time. If the 500mb temperature cools by 5C in 24 hours, it will display this.