To select a forecast model, choose from the options listed on the top left hand corner.
MetCentre offers the following models:
A broadscale Australian model that is updated 4x a day. The main runs (00z & 12z) extend out to 240 hours in variable time increments. The minor runs (06z & 18z) extend out to 84 hours.
ACCESS-G (1hr)
An hourly version of the ACCESS-G model. It is also updated 4x a day, but the output only extend to 84 hours for all runs.
A high resolution Australian model with CAM (Convection Allowing Model) capabilities. This allows the model to resolve mesoscale features such as thunderstorms and other patterns that may be missed in broadscale modelling. Due to the higher resolution nature of these models they are only run over smaller domains (centering around the major cities of the country). ACCESS-C is run 4x a day with the 00z, 06z and 12z runs extending out to +36 hours while the 18z run extends to +42 hours.
A broadscale USA model that is updated 4x a day. All runs (00z, 06z, 12z & 18z) extend out to +384 hours. GFS is available for select global domains other than Australia.
An archive version of GFS data that contains select archive dates. If you require a specific date, please contact us and we can see if it is available to include. Note while this is a MetCentre-Pro feature only, we provide archive data to Advantage members who are undertaking academic research at a recognized educational facility.
GFS (1hr)
An hourly version of the GFS model. It is also updated 4x a day.
Live mapped observations are available, updated every ten minutes that include CAPE, Lifted Index, Dew Point, Rainfall, Relative Humidity, Winds and Temperature
Operational Consensus Forecast – this is a BoM compilation of forecast models to generate an average output for daily rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature.
A broadscale UK model that is updated 4x a day. 00z and 12z runs extend to +144 hours at variable timesteps, while 06z and 18z runs extend to +54 hours only.
A broadscale Canadian model that is updated 2x a day that extends to +192 hours.
Models Run: This is the date and time (in UTC) that the model has been initialized. The most recent models are always listed first.
Selecting a Location
MetCentre contains an assortment of pre-determined locations. Hovering your mouse cursor over the locations will reveal additional location options and zoom levels.
If you wish to open multiple locations, you can right click and “open new window” on the locations.
Choosing A Variable
to Display
Note that the variables offered may change depending on the model or location you have selected.
Common variables are available to select on the top of the page. These are always visible but will vary from model to model.
Additional variables are available to select on the left hand side by clicking on the variable headings to expand the available options.
Choosing Times
The time step can be selected on the lefthand side of the page. Two times are displayed for each step. The top (larger) time is the local time, while the bottom time in brackets is the time in UTC.
You can use the left and right arrows on your keyboard to advance back or forward one time step. Using the up and down arrows on your keyboard allows you to advance back or forward 24 hours at a time.
Looping Model Data
Select a start and end time period (default is the first and last image) and press play. This will load all images for the requested sequence (note that larger sequences will take longer to load). Quick select options are also available.
If you load up a series of maps they will be faster to cycle through after as MetCentre will temporarily store the generated images on your computer for quick analysis.
Reading Scales​
Scales are available on the bottom of each weather chart.
You can also hover your mouse cursor over the chart to reveal additional information such as latitude, longitude and the exact value.
Clicking for Soundings​
Clicking anywhere on the map opens a forecast sounding for the exact location where you click. For more information on sounding features, click here.